Bows and Butterflies Inc is a remarkable organization comprised of a group of home school female violin enthusiasts between the ages of 7-10 ten years old. These extraordinary girls are passionate about making a positive impact in our community by enhancing the lives and well-being of individuals through service and music performance.
Through their music, the group aims to spread joy, unity, and cultural diversity, ensuring that everyone feels included and valued. Their dedication to their craft and their commitment to giving back to the community serve as an inspiration to all. They are dedicated to achieving this through active and hands-on outreach projects, such as an annual toy drive for children in need and performance for the seniors of our community. They display compassion and empathy, which are values that are crucial in their personal growth and journey. They support one another and take time to celebrate their achievements with monthly luncheons.
Bows & Butterflies Inc is not only a testament to the power of music but also a shining example of the potential within young individuals to make a meaningful difference in society.